Surface treatment
Fast delivery time and better quality are the parameters on which our customers are measured, at the same time with consideration for the environment and reduction of CO2. With our professional laboratory, experience and knowledge, we work for our customers and a better environment.
Solvents and alcohol
Fast delivery time and better quality are the parameters on which our customers are measured, at the same time with consideration for the environment and reduction of CO2. With our professional laboratory, experience and knowledge, we work for our customers and a better environment.
For our customers, we optimize within degreasing, dust removal and temporary corrosion protection.
Special products
Fast delivery time and better quality are the parameters on which our customers are measured, at the same time with consideration for the environment and reduction of CO2. With our professional laboratory, experience and knowledge, we work for our customers and a better environment.
For our customers, we optimize within degreasing, dust removal and temporary corrosion protection.
Paint & composite
Fast delivery time and better quality are the parameters on which our customers are measured, at the same time with consideration for the environment and reduction of CO2. With our professional laboratory, experience and knowledge, we work for our customers and a better environment.
For our customers, we optimize within degreasing, dust removal and temporary corrosion protection.
Repair & maintenance
Fast delivery time and better quality are the parameters on which our customers are measured, at the same time with consideration for the environment and reduction of CO2. With our professional laboratory, experience and knowledge, we work for our customers and a better environment.
For our customers, we optimize within degreasing, dust removal and temporary corrosion protection.
Degreasing & passivation
Fast delivery time and better quality are the parameters on which our customers are measured, at the same time with consideration for the environment and reduction of CO2. With our professional laboratory, experience and knowledge, we work for our customers and a better environment.
For our customers, we optimize within degreasing, dust removal and temporary corrosion protection.
The product is used to remove epoxy and acrylic-based resin from 3D-printed objects in the industry. Developed to replace isopropyl alcohol in connection with the production of hearing aids. Note that the product is water-miscible and can be used both concentrated and diluted.
- Plastic industrySuitable for companies in the processing of plastic parts, where you often meet the same requirements as in the metal industry and oil, cooling lubricants and plastic shavings are not accepted at the same time as high demands on the surface.
All metals, plastics
Resin support material